Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolution

Well, 2011 is finally almost over. For some it's been a great year filled with success and happiness, and for others it's been a year filled with sadness and worry from death, sickness, relationship issues, and financial loss. As I look back at my year, I'm not sure what to think about it. In the broad since, this year has been great. I have been blessed with safety and good health to both my family and I. I've had a warm house to sleep in every night and a car to get to school every day. I've had success in school and in extra curricular activities, including sports. I've had great friends that I've shared a lot of good memories with. While I am very grateful for all of these blessings and many more, I still have a hard time saying that it's been a great year. I was trying to figure out what's preventing me from calling this year a success, when I asked myself this question: Have you used your blessings from the year to the best of your ability to help and love others?
After thinking on that question, my answer would be no. While I've tried to use the blessings God has given me to help others at various times this year, I'm positive I could have done a better job at it. My mind is filled with things I could have done better; "I could have helped this person, I could have been nicer to them, I could have volunteered to do that, etc..." and I realize my year was filled with "could haves." So I was thinking of what I could do differently in 2012 to make it a year of "I did" instead of "I could have" and came to realize what my one new year's resolution needs to be. It was a challenge from Pastor Don Keele at the GCA Church this morning, and it really stuck out to me. His challenge was to make knowing Jesus Christ your one resolution for the new year and was based off of this verse found in 1 Corinthians 2:2, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." Imagine what your year could be like if you made that your one resolution.

I also realized that just living another year has been in a blessing it itself. I've reminded of a good family friend, Daniel Harper, who passed away after a battle with brain cancer in August, and how short life really is. Don't be afraid to do the right thing. Don't be afraid to try something new. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and to accept God's calling. I want to invite you to take the challenge with me, to make knowing Jesus you're number one priority in 2012. All of your other resolutions will fall in to place if you make Him first in your life. Instead of living a year full of "what if...", make it a year full of joy and confidence in your actions. Also, think about the question I asked myself, "Have you used your blessings from the year to the best of your ability to help and love others?" and try to make 2012 a year where your answer to that question can be yes.

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